For Therapists and Coaches who want to Offer Evolutionary Processes that are Safe and Effective for those with Trauma.

Your work can be so hugely transformational, but change can touch the deepest and trickiest places of wounding in your clients. 

What do you do when a client suddenly gets overwhelmed and unable to think or move out of a trigger?

How can you create sessions and groups that don't make things worse but also create profound, integrated changes for your clients?

And how can you actually Help your clients with tricky content rather than referring them to someone else or crossing your fingers that they'll get Some value out of your offers.

If you're  feeling out of your depth in your sessions - or worried that you wont know what to do if a client freezes or can't regulate their emotions - it can really shake your confidence and be frustrating, heartbreaking and...  sometimes even scary! 

You may already have explored trainings, read some books or watched youtube videos to educate yourself in how to be and work with trauma, but when it comes to real-life situations, you flounder and get triggered.  

There's a reason just gathering information (or doing lots of little courses) hasn't been enough...

Trauma and the nervous system are found in the body. So we must work via the body to master the skills.

Purely learning how to work with the nervous system without feeling, sensing, moving with the content until it is known and familiar is like trying to learn to dance by reading a book.

"Any genuine search must end in experience.
If you only know something mentally or intellectually, it will not stay with you" - Mooji

Embodied Experience is needed...

To absorb and build capacity from the inside-out.

In order to become truly trauma informed, you need to have time and space to practice the skills, observe them in action, and have your own nervous system experience the "dance steps" with someone who already knows how to dance.

This will teach your body how to feel and sense safety on the inside. And how to take charge of your responses so you can help your clients, not drown with them
With the right teacher, it will show you how to give the natural intelligence of your compassion and presence the steering wheel. So you have an embodied calm and confidence when creating trauma-informed processes and groups.

Because it's your nervous system (and how well regulated it is) that is your greatest ally in excellent client care.

And it's your nervous system that will build your confidence and credibility for deep and skilled work most effortlessly.

Let me help you discover the missing piece that's preventing your clients from moving past their biggest mental and emotional blocks.

(Even if you're confident with your skills in other ways)

> If you're worried that your sessions or processes might be making things worse for your clients rather than better,

> If you're struggling to maintain your own composure and not knowing what to do when a client freezes, goes numb or reacts out of proportion to the present moment,

> And if you love your embodied therapeutic or coaching work, but feel like you're missing some key pieces to access and work with your clients subconscious drives,

It's probably not because you're unskilled, without empathy or care, or needing to do some big new 3 year training. It's simply because a lot of what we've been taught about helping clients achieve transformation, totally neglects this role of the nervous system.

Which is why I'd like to invite you to this Trauma Informed Practitioner program

Where I'm going to show you exactly how to support your clients so they can develop more capacity, experience healing on a fundamental level, and achieve more lasting and powerful transformations.

Cause it's likely a lot simpler than you think to create trauma informed processes, feel relaxed and confident and able to support clients to work with trauma so your clients' intelligent bodies can do the healing for them. 

And you don't need to do a 3-year training or spend a fortune to do it.

What You'll Discover in the Trauma Informed Practitioner Program

✔️ How the brain lays down repetitive patterns, behaviours and feelings states that can be worked with via the map of the nervous system,

✔️ Helping your clients create new resilience and possibilities via body intelligence,

✔️ Embodied nervous system mentoring via personal support with your own process, group witnessing, buddy and group processes, practitioner swaps and somatic-based inquiry.

✔️ The core skills of the Somatic Soul Method to take your clients from reactive or overly-heady, to responsive, present and available for radical changes.

✔️ How to manage the pace and intensity of a session so your client doesn’t need to numb out or become overwhelmed,

✔️ Experience personal breakthroughs with greater personal resilience and regulation, and increases in relational attunement and security

✔️ Learn how to work with body memory so your client doesn't need to re-tell or re-traumatise in order to heal,

✔️ How to work less to find solutions and experience more flow and ease in your work,

✔️ The things you need to help your very heady or resistant clients to drop into presence and listening to their body, so their results come more and more from their intelligent body, and not so much from the ego structure,

✔️ How to use language in invitational and open ended ways to interrupt a trauma cycle and invite curiosity rather than aversion,

✔️ The ways that the survival structures of the body and the ego can create a pathway to the soul,

✔️ Why getting your client to think about it, plan, strategise or tell their story doesn't change their repetitive habits (even if they consciously want to), and...

✔️ A simple system for slowing down activation in your clients, so they can process and release their blockages, even if they are very heady or challenging,

...And MORE!!

You'll Receive:

A 3 month Boutique Training - Delivered Online

✔️ 6 x Online Learning Modules
Access the teachings in your own time. Delivered in a clear and easy to understand format (video, audio and PDF manuals) in the weeks before your live classes so you can absorb the core material before meeting as a group.

✔️ 6 x Live Fortnightly Classes
Deepen your skills and understanding in an interactive classroom setting. Including teaching, witnessing demos, giving and receiving practice sessions and question and answer time so you build your confidence faster.

✔️ 6 x Live Fortnightly Personal Inquiry and Group Connection calls
Explore your own relationship to the content, skills and information. Deepen your self awareness and embodiment and develop solid personal and professional connections to your cohort.

✔️ 4 x Practice and Q+A group calls
Extra mentoring and practice calls as well as case consult time with your mentor and cohort to solidify your embodiment.
Training delivery..


✔️ 1 x 4 day online workshop
Dive deep into the maps of fight, flight, freeze and fawn in this immersive online workshop. After 8 weeks of preparation and laying the ground, this gentle and deep workshop with give you an embodied understanding of fight, flight, freeze and fawn and how to resolve these stuck or repetitive states in your sessions and groups. (March 30th - April 2nd),

✔️ The Somatic Therapy Manual
Learn how to safely guide a client into their unconscious body memory and create foundational healing and resolution with this clear step by step process,

✔️ A Buddy,
Your buddy provides a consistent touch point, accountability and support. It also makes the process more enjoyable, so you feel witnessed, seen, heard and connected to as you learn and move through the program.

✔️ Facebook Group and a Thriving Community
A place for community connection, inspiration and networking. Share resources, find support or celebration.

✔️ Ongoing access to your mentor
In the Facebook group you'll also have access to your mentor for ongoing Q+A . This means you move through questions or road blocks faster, can practice and integrate with more nuance and understanding, get better results for your clients and build your confidence, rather than being overwhlemed and unable to apply the skills.
Training delivery..


  • Coaches, counsellors, therapists or bodyworkers who want to provide excellent client care and holistic, trauma-informed services,

  • People working with embodiment, sexuality or relationship topics that can trigger difficult content,

  • Practitioners who want to help their clients deepen their spirituality by building safety and trust in their animal body.

  • People running their own groups or training and wanting to feel confident creating trauma informed groups and processes themselves.

  • Practitioners wanting to do their own personal exploration of their nervous system and directly improve their capacity to be of service.

And ... If your work with clients includes spirituality

One of the biggest blocks to truly opening to the Mystery is going to be your clients' nervous system.

Until they learn that their physiological responses (their shrinking away, their anger or defense, their shaking, trembling or laughing) are here to help, all their fight, flight, freeze or fawn behaviours are going to distract them and have them behaving in automatic and unconscious ways - even when there's a lot of awareness and willingness to choose a different, less reactive or shutdown way.
Your clients responses and the unprocessed events remain log-jammed in their operating system until they learn to work With their body. To clear the log jams (or traumas) and come more freshly into the present moment.

There's only so much light we can ascend into before the body (and our unprocessed past) comes bursting back through to be met and loved. Spirituality is a descent into matter, taking us deeper into spirit through knowing ourselves as human. It is not the transcendance or denial of the flesh. 
So your spiritual work with clients is going to be deepened by their arrival in the body. 
In a safe way. In a kind way. 
Because for most people, being here in the body (when you really get down to it) is an incredibly vulnerable, tender and exposing thing. And for some, it's outright terrifying because their early experience of life (through neglect or abuse) made their body the last place they want to be. 
If you want your work to be able to go to the depths of your client's patterning and sense of self, you must make the body a safe place to be, and build your client's trust in their own animal organism.

When you do, truly embodied trust in self and Spirit grows roots.

What others have said:

It's changed the way I approach processing deep emotions

Lisa Grant - Somatic Food and Timeline therapist

This course is wonderfully informative and practical, giving me the tools and confidence I need to work somatically with myself, my family and my clients. I found it superbly graceful and beautiful and has changed the way I approach processing deep emotions.
It is helping my clients work through unresolved nervous system states in a safe and gentle way and to enjoy more embodied states in their daily life.
I highly, highly recommend this work”.

A simple but extremely powerful framework

Efrat Wolfson - Life of Passion, Sexuality & Relationship Coach

“In the past few months I've been diving deep with the amazing Amanda Patterson into somatic tools for working with Trauma.
Amanda's work is special because she combines a number of different modalities plus her own JuJu into a simple but extremely powerful framework for working with clients when old patterns arise and get them stuck in the "Trauma Vortex" - which is that powerful pull towards our past pain that prevents us from moving towards creating new, better experiences.
I highly recommend it to coaches, councillors, bodyworkers and other practitioners who work with people in a context where trauma can show up.
To me it's been invaluable so far, and we're not even finished yet!”

"Amanda embodies this work in every aspect of her Being

by Tirta Nicholson

On the 6month training given in 2020: "Amanda embodies this work in every aspect of her Being - each teaching was a transmission of knowledge; as was her way of being with us, welcoming whatever showed up in the space and holding us with strength and sensitivity. Her sessions are incredible, and I learned so much witnessing her giving demo sessions to others in our cohort.
She models the results of this work in terms of realness, presence, resilience, regulation and embodiment. Through experience, I have complete faith in this approach and feel very fortunate that I received what I believe is the best possible holistic training in somatic therapy available. I feel so passionate about sharing what I have learned with the world!”

A very powerful, experiential and relational learning environment to be part of

Claudine Gertrude -

"It so excites me to talk about transformational offerings that are deeply based in the body and the nervous system but lean deeply into the whispering of the soul. That deep desire of the soul to fully incarnate into this body, into this earthly experience, all of it; the pleasure and the challenge.
Amanda's genuine love for humans and creating positive change has given her fuel to train herself and become an incredible facilitator. She brings in the tools and she embodies a dimension beyond the tools which transmits love and trust into the mystery of existence. Here layers of conditioning and ways of inhibiting life force can reveal themself in a safe and welcoming space. This is a very powerful, experiential and relational learning environment to be part of”.

Amazing skills for my practices and life

Ben Jennings - Embodiment Coach

"Yes , it’s definitely worth the journey. I have gained so many skills professionally and personally, as well as having huge shifts and transformation along the way. So much more understanding about how to create foundational safety for myself and others.
Amazing holding with compassion care and wisdom ."



✔️ The Complete Introduction to Somatic Soul. INCLUDING:
💡 3.5hrs of video teaching content,
💡 The 13-page Somatic Soul Manual,
💡 Helping your Heady Clients Out of Their Head, Pdf.
WITH 👉🏼 my favourite tool for helping heady clients experience feelings, sensations and emotions in a manageable way.
💡 Signs and Symptoms of Nervous System States PDF, and
💡 The Nervous System Ladder PDF.
So as soon as you register, you can begin to track where your client is in their nervous system responses, and how to guide them towards greater internal safety and wellbeing.

✔️ Resources and Recommended Reading List.
For those of you itching to get your hands on good information to support your embodied study. These are the texts I recommend to all students learning the Somatic Soul method.

PART 2 - More Details:

What we'll Be Doing

WEEK 1 + 2: The Arrival Phase

Creating Embodied Safety from the Inside-Out

Understand what’s happening in the brain when someone is in a trauma response (and why they suddenly can't follow your instructions, start agreeing to everything you say or cant think straight) and what to do about it.

☀️Learn to create safety, presence and capacity in the nervous system using the skills of resourcing and orienting to develop the felt sense.

☀️ Understand how the social engagement system impacts your clients experience and how to use presence, pace and tone to create more safety.

☀️Use the skill of inquiry to bring the unconscious out of the shadows in an integrative process led by your client’s inner wisdom.

WEEK 3 + 4: The Framing Phase

Establish boundaries and clear direction

☀️ Set the tone and change or deepen your clients state using attention in a Trauma -informed way.

☀️ The keys to finding a clear intention to build the direction and fuel for a session that gets your clients tangible results.

☀️Learn how to create clear boundaries to reduce resistance or overwhelm, develop safety and trust in your process and guidance.

☀️ The link between thoughts, words, images and your clients body and how to gently access their deepest blocks or repeating patterns for resolution.

☀️ Examine and establish boundaries in your own business and practice to help you show up more relaxed and available.

☀️ What to do if a client doesnt follow the boundaries you've set or created together.

WEEK 5 + 6: The Meeting Phase

Deepening presence and capacity


☀️ Manage the pace and intensity of a process so your clients dont get overhwelmed, defensive or disassocative to manage their experience.

☀️ Learn skills for deepening presence in your sessions and groups,

☀️ Integrate maps of the Essential self and ego structure into your work and learn how presence creates healing from inside your clients.

☀️ Use "time" and segmenting the content of a process to make tricky subjects more manageable and digestible.

☀️ Learn self regulation practices that will support your confidence during sessions and build your clients sense of safety and trust (in you and themselves).

☀️ Support and skills for working with your own triggers when faced with a client in a strong reaction or trauma response.

WEEK 7 - 10: The Expression Phase

This Phase includes the retreat prep and 4 day Online retreat March 30th - April 2nd.

☀️ Learn how to work within your scope of practice and discern appropriate levels of complexity for your sessions.

☀️ Work with the minds resistance and reduce judgement or blocks so your clients can progress and find resolution.

☀️ Create more safety and capacity by bringing a protector/ally into your processes.

☀️ Track how specific gestures can begin a resolution cycle.

☀️ Learn the simplest way to work with intense emotions in the body.

☀️ Support your clients to vocalize and express so that they can relax into the present moment with you.

☀️ Tools to help regulate, contain, calm or settle a client's nervous system.

☀️ Gently experience and learn to work with fight/flight/freeze and fawn responses and practice their resolution sequences

☀️ Nervous system states are introduced via experiential processes.

☀️ Go deeper into the subtleties of the Somatic Soul session sequence. This will give you confidence to give trauma informed sessions led by your clients body wisdom.

☀️ PLUS plenty of time for practice and demo sessions, dance, movement and personal inquiry processes.

WEEK 11 + 12: The Completion and Integration Phase

☀️ How to complete a process with plenty of time for the body to integrate and come to a rest and digest state after a deep process. So your clients aren't walking away from their session feeling dysregulated or scattered and prone to rebound or reactive protections.

☀️ How to use your clients intention at the end of a session to create a clear sense of progress and results.

☀️ Teaching clients about the process of change, and what to do if there’s a rebound.

☀️ The art of creating home-play activities to deepen your clients changes in an embodied and safe way.

To help you Create Even More Trauma Informed Processes, I'll also Throw in These 2 Bonuses When You Enrol

  • BONUS #1 Creating Effective Secure Attachment in Sessions

    With Guest Expert Monique Pangari.

    Monique is an attachment expert and teacher with over 20 years of experience in the field of attachment therapy, adoption and working with people of diverse gender and sexuality.
    She runs The School of Integrative Somatic Psychotherapy and offers Certificate in Somatic Attachment Focused Expressive Therapy (SAFE-T) and Somatic Sand Therapy® trainings.

    This recorded workshop focuses on secure attachment and the elements needed to bring that into your session room and your personal life, so that your clients feel safer to soften their resistance and heal past wounding and repetitive patterns.

  • BONUS #2 Diversity and Multicultural Practice

    With Guest Expert Nawa Sybico.

    Nawa is a first generation Bisaya immigrant settler living in Wurundjeri and Bunurong country (Melbourne and Tasmania), Australia. A somatic therapist, herbalist, death doula and helenistic astrologer, they bring a rich background in social justice and years of working with marginalised populations.

    In this mini workshop, Nawa will share their embodied anti-racism perspective for working with multicultural populations.
    This unique interview and accompanying guide will help you address structural and relational elements, to make your practice even safer for the diverse populations that come through your doors. It will help you know what to put in place to honour diverse clientele, and how to deal with conflict within a power structure if it arises.

I now feel equipped to hold the kind of deep, embodied space for clients that I knew was possible.

Emma Shields

“The Somatic Soul Training with Wisdom Body Academy is the first practitioner training I've done that's left me feeling equipped to hold the kind of deep, embodied space for clients that I knew was possible. Not only do I feel professionally equipped with powerful somatic tools to support clients to create lasting change in their lives, I have experienced a deep level of personal embodiment of these skills which has been transformational. I have a sense of finally being able to reach my potential as a human and practitioner".

The Price

  • Long Payment Plan

    Enrol with just $400
    (in 10 x monthly payments)

    Book a free call below to Apply

  • Short Payment Plan

    Enrol with just $1000
    (in 4 x monthly payments)

    Book a free call to Apply below

    Valid until February 13th

    Scholarship places also available for BIPOC students, sole parents and those on low income.

  • Pay in Full

    Enrol Upfront with $3800

    Book a free call below to apply.

Apply here for the Trauma Informed Practitioner Program.

We want to ensure this course is right for you.

This link will have you book a free, no obligation call with Amanda to check you are a good fit for this online training.

If you have trouble finding a time, please email Amanda on [email protected]

Places are limited - Prices are above.

In Summary

What You'll Get:

☀️ Pre-Program Resources:
The Complete Introduction to the Somatic Soul Workshop including video workshop, manual, and additional PDFs to get you supporting your clients with these powerful tools as soon as you enrol.
Plus recommended reading list.

☀️ 6 online Module
Theory and skills for each module in written and video format.

☀️ 6 fortnightly online Classes
Calls will teach fortnightly content in an experiential and engaging way with Amanda

☀️ 4 Group Practice and Case Consult Calls
As embodiment and practice are such a core aspect of this work, these group calls provide additional practice and case consult time with Amanda.

☀️ 6 fortnightly online group calls
Each fortnight there is an additional 1.5hr self inquiry and sharing group call with Emma.

☀️ A 4 day Online Boutique Workshop
Thursday 30th March to 2nd April, 2023
Each day runs 9am - 5pm with a 2 hour break in the middle and plenty of embodiment and movement practices to keep us connected and alive.

☀️ The Somatic Therapy Manual
(how to safely guide a client into their unconscious body memory to create foundational healing and resolution),

☀️ A Buddy to keep your connected and accountable,

☀️ A Private Facebook Group and Thriving Community
For ongoing Q+A with your mentor and a space to share your celebrations and challenges with fellow students.


BONUS #1 Creating Effective Secure Attachment in Sessions with Guest teacher Monique Pangari.
BONUS #2 Diversity and Multicultural Practice With Guest Expert Nawa Sybico.

Shelley's experience: Bodyworker and Pelvic specialist

"I've done a lot of courses and this program has been at the top of all of them. "


Lisa Grant - Somatic Eating Psychology

"One of the best trainings I've ever done"

"It's given me a whole new way of looking at how we store emotion and trauma in the body, and how to process that with such gentleness and kindness. It's taken what I do to the next level".

Vanessa - Psychology and Psychic Readings

"This is one of the most important and profound investments you could make in yourself and your ability to be there for other people"

 "I really couldn't have anticipated just how much I got out of the program. My capacity to process life events, relationships, and trauma has just exponentially increased, and I see the positive effects of that all the time. This is one of the most important and profound investments you could make in yourself and your ability to be there for other people"

Claudine - Somatic Shiatsu and Counselling

"Amanda really knows the tools, the nervous system and has an amazing way to transmit that"

"I entered the training to gather more tools around the nervous system, to get to know it more deeply, and I can definietly say that happened. I'm feeling much more fluent in recognising where the trauma is held, when the blockages come up and how to address them with clients and create more healing and capacity in my clients life. 

I also really enjoyed that it was online! (a challenge perviously as Im an in-person, embodied practitioner) but I have to say I was so suprised how well it all works."


  • Is this training suitable if I've never done any somatic training?

    As a practitioner training, there is a basic level of psyche/mind/body awareness assumed. It is not suitable if you don't have any experience working with clients. If you are unsure if the content will be right for you, please email Amanda on [email protected] to check.

  • Is this training suitable if I've done lots of somatic trainings?

    Yes! As this is leaning heavily on experiential processes, this program will be helpful for any body wanting to deepen their embodiment and comfort with working with their own nervous system and others. The information on the physiology will be familiar (as that doesn't change), but Amanda's tool set is unique; combining Somatic Experiencing, Attachment trauma, parts dialogue, Essence coaching, energetic healing, bodywork and her extensive history in self-development.

  • Will the workshop and/or Zoom call be recorded if I'm unwell or unable to make it?

    Yes, all calls will be recorded and uploaded to the Thinkific platform, so you don't have to miss anything if you're not able to attend live. We do recommend lining up a practice session with your buddy or someone from the cohort if you miss a skill building call. And if you have a report or question, these can be sent in at least 1hr before the call so they can be answered.

  • I get tired with a lot of online time, what if the 3 hour calls or 4 day workshop are too much for me?

    We put a lot of energy into making the calls spacious, nourishing and very body friendly. Our online time is never more than 1.5hrs without a break, and the workshop days are divided into 3hr blocks with a 2 hour break in the middle. (So 9am-12pm then 2pm-5pm). Inside of every 3 hour block we will include movement, silence/meditation and lots of resourcing.
    We will also encourage the people living in the same area to meet at someone's house to attend. So it will be less "online" online for those people who can/want to do that too.

  • Is this a Certification program?

    As long as you attend 80% of the calls and workshops live, you will receive a Certificate of Attendance in the Trauma Informed Practitioner Program. This gives deep embodiment but does not does not certify you in the Somatic Soul method or Somatic Therapy.

  • There's lots of other trainings out there, what makes this unique ?

    Amanda has a background in non-dual teachings (with Gangaji and Jared Franks) and the Diamond approach.* This spiritual background permeates the content and skills you'll learn as well as the way she teaches.
    This makes this program one of trust and surrender to the bigger Soul of a client or process. It allows the work to be less reactive if a client is resistant or projecting their stuff, and teaches you how to relax into allowing clients to have the space to see what's really going on for them.

    It means you are not learning to fix or change a client, but to support them to find their own organic and natural resolution inside. This also means that any changes that arise are more native and integrative to your clients world and more likely to have longevity.

    Note: *Amanda isn't affiliated with or representing these groups.

  • What's the time commitment?

    Over the 3 months (starting Feb 15th), you'll have 89hrs of live calls, classes or inquiry groups.
    It's important that you can make at least 85% of the Classes and the 4 day workshop, and generally be able to attend the other calls, but we can do a make-up process if some need to be missed.

    The Online modules are released every 2 weeks and include 20-45mins of video + 9-14pages of manual content plus a self-assessment. Succinct. Easy to absorb and not overwhelming.

    Practice sessions: There isn't a set amount of practice sessions you need to do, but it's recommended to do at least 3 /fortnight. Obviously the more you practice, the more deeply it goes in.

    Connection and Support: Your buddy engagement is totally up to you. You'll decide together how much or little you meet. Some people will want to do regular session swaps and check-ins or text messages, and others will do a fortnightly date to go through the online module together, or just touch base.

    If you haven't done the Intro to Somatic Therapy or Somatic Soul with me, there is a 3.5hr workshop to watch which gives you the foundational maps and skills before we start. Other than that, you can dive deep into the recommended reading and the bonus content in your own timing.

  • What are the days, dates and times for the classes, practice groups and inquiry calls?

    CLASSES: Wednesday with Amanda 9 - 12.30pm (AEDT/AEST)
    February 15th, March 1st, 15th, April 12th, 26th, May 10th.

    PRACTICE CALLS: Wednesday with Amanda 1 - 4pm (AEDT/AEST) unless stated otherwise below.
    March 22nd, April 10th, (Monday 6 - 8pm), April 19th, May 3rd

    4 DAY WORKSHOP: with Amanda and Emma 9 - 5pm with a long lunch (AEDT/AEST)
    March 30th - April 2nd

    INQUIRY CALLS: Mondays with Emma 6 - 7.30pm (AEDT/AEST)
    February 20th, March 6th, 20th, April 5th (note this is on a Wednesday and is with Amanda), April 17th and May 1st.

    Note: A link is provided to add these calls directly to your online calendar on enrolment)


Amanda Patterson - Lead Facilitator

Amanda Patterson is passionate about awakening human consciousness in our lived and day-to-day lives. ​
With over 24 years of experience in personal and professional development as a therapist, coach, bodyworker and facilitator she brings a rich understanding of the body and brain survival-​ ​systems, human ego structure (and how that can limit the souls​ ​expression) and a deep trust in the Wisdom that runs under and​ ​within it all.

Amanda's qualifications include a Bachelor of Social Science, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Somatic Attachment Focussed Expressive-arts therapy (SAFE-T), Attunement therapist and Essence Coach and Facilitator.

She is also trained in Diane Poole Heller’s "Attachment Mastery Program", and has been a committed explorer in the Path of Love (as a participant and staff member at more than 15 workshops and retreats), Vipassana meditation, 5 Rhythms (17 years consistent practice), a student of the Diamond Approach and numerous satsangs/meetings with the teachers Ganagji and Eli and Jared Franks.

Amanda has a devotional heart and has amassed many resources and embodied experiences of consciousness and awakening that she shares with her students and clients in a grounded, playful and deeply compassionate way.

Emma Shields - Practice Group Facilitator

Emma Sheilds is a Life Coach, Movement Lover & Somatic Therapist.
She teaches creative, sensitive, overthinking humans how to surrender to trust their innate intelligence and wisdom, express their creativity and boundaries with ease, and embody their values and unique soul essence.

Emma has 11+ years of experience as a yoga and meditation teacher, coach, energy healer, artist, witch and events professional, and she will be running the fortnightly practice and embodiment calls in our program.

What past participants say about Emma:
"Emma was wonderful, clear, gentle, patient and across it all.
"Such a wise, soulful and surprising addition to the course."
"Emma's experience is so vast, and with the nurturing holding she gives, it provides so much permission".

Enrolments close February 13th

Or when all places are filled

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Got more questions?

We'd love to hear from you.

Email us on [email protected] and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Wisdom Body Academy resides primarily in Bundjalung country in northern NSW, Australia. We pay our respects to the indigenous custodians of this land, their elders past, present and emerging. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.