Do you Want A Way to Access your Clients' Subconscious Drives, Create Breakthroughs and Gain Tools to Work with Trauma ?

Stop me if this sounds familiar:

You're frustrated that you can't seem to help your clients break through. You've tried guiding them into mindfulness, giving space for emotional expression,  mindset and making sense of their story, setting smaller goals...  but they come back in the next session telling the same story and full of shame that things don't seem to shift. 

Even though there's willingness on both sides, you feel worried about your work, disheartened and ready to give up (and so does your client). 

It can feel like all the training and coaching you've done is for nothing, and you're losing confidence in your coaching or therapy abilities.

Or maybe you're running groups and seeing your participants having big emotions and breakthroughs.

But you hear them by the tea station quietly telling their fellow participants that they needed a week to recover...

And that they're having trouble keeping their life together and sliding backwards in other areas.

It looks like change is happening in your participants lives, but you wonder if there's a way to make the process more integrated and nourishing.

Ultimately you want to create groups and processes that create change, resilience and groundedness in the world, without blowing everything else out of the water. 

This is possible when you include the role of the nervous system in your work

Because it's often the body memories held there which stop your clients making those transformations. It's also the nervous system that allows more resilience and integration.

Understanding the subconscious drives in your clients and the workings of trauma is likely a lot simpler than you think!

It gives you a map so your clients are more receptive and regulated on the level of their animal/instinctual drives as they work with you. And creates a level of safety to change and grow that isn't achieved simply with cognitive work or emotional processing work.

Working with the nervous system means working with the way the brain has developed to help us survive and thrive. This creates more embodied safety, grounded expression, healing and increased satisfaction (for each of you!).

Let me help you discover the missing piece that's preventing your clients from moving past their biggest mental and emotional blocks.

(Even if you're new to coaching or therapy, or don't feel like you have "enough" experience)

> If you're struggling to maintain your own composure and not knowing what to do when a client freezes, goes numb or reacts out of proportion to the present moment,

> If you're worried that your sessions or processes might be making things worse for your clients rather than better,

> And if you love your embodied therapeutic or coaching work, but feel like you're missing some key pieces to access and work with your clients subconscious drives,

It's probably not because you're unskilled, without empathy or care, or needing to do some big new 3 year training. It's simply because a lot of what we've been taught about coaching and helping clients achieve transformation, totally neglects this role of the nervous system. Which is why I'd like to invite you to this Somatic Soul workshop where I'm going to teach you exactly how to be more trauma aware, so you can help your clients achieve more lasting and powerful transformations.

What You'll Discover in the Somatic Soul training

✔️ How the brain lays down repetitive patterns, behaviours and feelings states that can be worked with via the map of the nervous system,

✔️ How to work with body memory so your client doesn't need to re-tell or re-traumatise in order to heal,

✔️ The keys you need to embody to help your very heady or resistant clients to drop into presence and listening to their body,

✔️ A tool kit to work with trauma within your scope of practice,

✔️ Why getting your client to think about it, plan, strategise or tell their story won't change their repetitive habits (even if they consciously want to),

✔️ How befriending the survival structures of the body and the ego can create a pathway to the soul,

✔️ You’ll discover the simple system for slowing down activation in your clients, so they can process and release their blockages, even if they are very heady or challenging,

A Boutique Training - Delivered Online

You'll Receive:

✔️ 3.5hrs of video training on the nervous system and working in a trauma informed way with your clients and groups,

✔️ A comprehensive 13 page manual so you can follow along with the video trainings and refer back to diagrams and clear instructions when you're using the skills in your work,

✔️ The 5-Step Somatic Soul sequence to take the guess work out of how to hold a Somatically therapeutic session, without overwhelming or confusing your clients,

✔️ A Bonus video to teach you 2 nervous system informed methods to create more resilience and well-being for yourself and your clients,,

Training delivery..


  • Counsellors or therapists,

  • Embodiment, sexuality or spirituality coaches,

  • Psychotherapists and bodyworkers,

  • People wanting to work with the instinctual brain (in themselves or their clients) for greater health and thriving.

This is an aspect of therapy that was missing from my coaching/counselling delivery

Dee Dee, Life Coach

"What I loved about your workshop was how professionally it was delivered from beginning to end.
I loved the way you described how you would work with a client from the start of a session. Your delivery was really clear for me too and I learned heaps of great techniques and tools that I can use with my own clients. I feel this is an aspect of therapy that was missing from my coaching/counselling delivery.

I can see how somatic tools help to empower a client to find awareness/acceptance of their felt-sense and internal world and in achieving this, to find a way of releasing the grips of trauma. Thank you so much for a really enlightening day!!"

I finally have a tool that ushers release through the body's own intelligence

Marissa - Bodywork and wellbeing expert

Somatic therapies with Amanda is profound. After working with body-mind therapies for over 20 years, I finally feel like I have a tool that ushers release through the body's own intelligence in a gentle and very respectful way. I feel deeply cared for as the practitioner which provides my own health with such relief.

Having studied with Amanda online, I'm awed with how subtle, yet powerful online therapies can be, which is such an important medium for thriving human connection in these times. My own somatic awareness has also improved, leading to more fulfilling work and personal relating. I wholeheartedly recommend this course to all bodyworkers and anybody who desires to be deeply present and available to humanity.

I learnt simple tools which were easily transferrable, in a practical and embodied way

Emma Shields, Meditation Teacher and Senior Project Manager

"I have much more awareness of my client's physical cues, and ways to help them move things through their body simply and effectively. In this training I learnt simple tools which were easily transferrable, in a practical and embodied way, plus felt supported as I integrated the learnings and tools. Dive in!"

More Details of What's Included

The Online Training:

☀️ How to work with your clients instinctual and limbic brain to shift core patterns at the root,

☀️ How to create pleasure and safety as a felt sense, enabling clients to face their challenging emotions instead of avoiding them,

☀️ Why getting your client "into their body" can make things worse,

☀️ How to recognise fight/flight/freeze or fawn states and what to do about it,

☀️ Tools for settling your own nervous system in your own life or when hearing distressing content from a client.

☀️ How to increase mindfulness, self-awareness, presence and an improved quality of life in your clients and yourself.

PLUS Ample embodiment practices
Woman attending online class

To help you More Effectively Apply what you learn in this training, I'll also throw in these 3 Bonuses when you enrol

  • BONUS #1 The Nervous System Ladder

    Your client is reactive and acting unconsciously, but you're not clear if you should try to relax them or get them to express what's going on. Maybe they are even "freezing" and you don't know what to do.

    That's why I put together the Nervous System Ladder PDF, so you can recognise which nervous system state your client is in, and how to support them to stop looping old unhelpful patterns, resolve these patterns and have more capacity to connect, problem solve and feel hope and optimism again.

  • Bonus #2 Helping Heady Clients Into Their Body

    One of the biggest barriers to successful Somatic Therapy is not knowing how to deal with a client who is stuck in their head.

    This 5 Page Guide includes;
    💡 What creates heady patterns in the first place,
    💡 The 3 central patterns to look out for with interrupting or intrusive thoughts,
    💡 The 3 core challenges of a heady client,
    💡 The 8 keys to supporting your heady client do somatically therapeutic work with you,
    💡 PLUS 👉🏼 my favourite tool for helping heady clients experience feelings, sensations and emotions in a manageable way.

  • Bonus #3 Resources and Recommended Reading List

    There is so much information out there when you're first diving into this topic, it can be overwhelming!

    That's why I'm sharing my 20 years of research and experience tasting and learning under the best teachers to give you the top teachers and authors in this field. For those of you itching to go deeper before (and after) the training these are the texts I recommend to students learning the Somatic Soul Method.


Amanda Patterson is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Attunement, Expressive Arts and Attachment Therapist, Essence Coach and creator of the 10month Somatic Therapy Certification (now morphed into the Somatic Soul method). 

"Over many years of training and working with people I've seen up close how unprocessed trauma (in its many forms) disconnects us from ourselves and from our natural state of wellbeing. I'm passionate about the process of re-knitting the Spirit into the flesh and into our human lives, helping other practitioners gain these amazing tools and bringing us back into connection (on all levels) to anchor more fully in the here and now.

The body is a place of such wisdom, depth, and intelligence. And understanding and using the physiology of the nervous system and attachment programming can make a huge difference in how well we live and heal... And how well we can serve our clients.

I look forward to sharing what I know with you"

You blew my mind with your generosity of sharing your knowledge and actual experience!

Jody Brown, Shiastu therapist and Somatic Guide

"Amanda you blew my mind with your generosity of sharing your knowledge and actual experience. I loved cementing and growing my love for the wisdom of the body. Finding new ways to listen, and understanding how to guide someone gently though trauma and unreleased emotion, so that the body can release naturally and we can begin to befriend the whole spectrum of feelings."

All the Details:

What you get:


✔️ 3.5hrs of video training on the nervous system and working in a trauma informed way with your clients and groups, 

✔️ A comprehensive 13 page manual so you can follow along with the video trainings and refer back to diagrams and clear instructions when you're using the skills in your work, 

✔️ The 5-Step Somatic Soul sequence to take the guess work out of how to hold a Somatically therapeutic session, without overwhelming or confusing your clients,  

✔️ VIDEO: The 2 nervous system informed methods to create more resilience and well-being for yourself and your clients,


> How to create more coherence and flexibility so your clients feel better in themselves and are not so thrown off balance by events in their life,

> What's actually happening in your clients nervous system when there has been trauma, shock or unmet needs (and how to support them to resolve these impacts),

> Learn the Huge number of functions the nervous system regulates (and therefore controls) - and how to befriend the nervous system to bring these functions into more balance,

> Why the hind brain is so much more immediate and powerful than the rational/thinking part of the brain,

> How to "speak" the language of the nervous system to  create safer and more settled envirnoments for growth,

> The brain state that means that a child is literally hypnotisable until 7 or 8 years old,

> Exactly how Somatic Soul method accesses the unconscious memory stored in the body,

> A simple method for deepening your clients body awareness and sense of pleasure or okayness in your session/groups,

> What to do if your client doesn't feel safe in their body, so they can begin to develop that safety and be able to participate in your processes.


Bonus #1 The Nervous System Ladder; so you know where and how to guide your clients to greater internal safety and wellbeing.

Bonus #2 Helping Heady Clients into their Body (5 page PDF guide).

Bonus #3 Resources and Recommended Reading List (drawing on 20years of research and study).

And a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee!! 

Where does this course happen?: Here on the Thinkific platform.

When?: Your training begins as soon as you enrol.

Price: Only $127!

Money Back Guarantee

If you don't love this workshop, we guarantee you a 100% reimbursement of your investment if you let us know within 14 days after your purchase. No questions asked.

Any questions, email Amanda on [email protected]


  • Is this training suitable if I've never done any somatic training?

    As a practitioner training, there is a basic level of psyche/mind/body awareness assumed. If you are unsure if the content will be right for you, please email Amanda on [email protected] to check.

  • Is this training suitable if I've done lots of somatic trainings?

    In short, yes. Some of the information on the physiology will be familiar (as that doesn't change), but Amanda's tool set is unique; combining Somatic Experiencing, Attachment trauma, parts dialogue, Essence coaching, energetic healing, bodywork and her extensive history in self-development.

  • Can I call myself "trauma informed" after this training?

    This training help you to be "trauma aware". (The phases are; trauma aware > trauma informed > trauma specific treatment). It will give you background and tools to be aware of how trauma is created and held in the body and nervous system, with foundational tools for assisting regulation in the nervous system and easier embodiment. It is not comprehensive enough to call yourself "trauma informed" unless you have also done previous trainings. If you are interested in something deeper, I would recommend my 6 month Certification in order to be fully trauma informed. Our next intake closes August 9th. You can email [email protected] if you'd like to hear more.

  • Is this a certification training?

    No, this is not a certification training. But it will give you the framework and tools to work with trauma and body memory and deepen your sessions or processes dramatically.

  • Can this help me as a yoga or dance teacher?

    Yes absolutely! The information and maps given in this training will help you set the tone in your groups for more safety, to support your pariticpants to develop more presence and self awareness (leading to greater well-being) and help you to be more aware if a participant is triggered with ways to move them towards balance and presence.

  • What if I dont love it or cant use this training in my work after watching it?

    We offer a 14 day full money back guarantee if you're in any way unsatisfied (as long as you contact us within 14 days of your purchase).

Do you have more questions for us?

Deeply important information for clinicians, beautifully presented.

Georgie - Psychologist

I did the Somatic Therapy training last weekend and it was absolutely worthwhile. Amanda Patterson knows her stuff. Deeply important information for clinicians, beautifully presented. Highly highly recommend - Georgie, psychologist

I gained so many new skills and tools I could take away and apply to my own clients

Treysi Orion - Transpersonal Counsellor

Amanda delivered theory and practical tools in such a succinct and easy to understand way that I felt I gained so many new skills and tools I could take away and apply to my own clients as a Transpersonal Counsellor.

. For my own healing journey I gained new insights and understanding of patterns still present in my nervous system and body. I would highly recommend this training for anyone curious about the nervous system and our ‘animal body’ and/or anyone who wants to deepen their skills as a therapist regardless of modality.

Professional, embodied, wise, loving and insightful

Claudine - Transpersonal Counsellor and Womens Sexual Wellness Guide

I totally loved the course. Professional, embodied, wise, loving and insightful. It was a real joy and inspiration to be in the training with you! ... and best of all, we have a zoom follow call still to come! Thank you 🙏 ✨🙏

I've seen a deepening of how I work as well as my clients results

Jerika - Soul-led coach and Psychic

Amanda's workshop was a beautiful and powerful (much like Amanda herself) learning experience... Simple and powerful somatic experiencing tools were presented in a clear and grounded way. I've already started integrating what I've learned into how I work with clients and have seen a deepening of how I work as well as my clients results.

I can see how somatic tools help empower a client ..

Dee Dee - Coach

What I loved about your workshop was how professionally it was delivered from beginning to end.
I loved the way you described how you would work with a client from the start of a session. Your delivery was really clear for me too and I learned heaps of great techniques and tools that I can use with my own clients. I feel this is an aspect of therapy that is missing from my coaching/counselling delivery.

I can see how somatic tools help to empower a client to find awareness/acceptance of their felt-sense and internal world and in achieving this, to find a way of releasing the grips of trauma. Thank you so much for a really enlightening day!!

Lead Instructor Amanda Patterson

Amanda works with conscious, heart centered people to create a more consistent connection to their spirit, bringing them back to the incredible wisdom within their body and Being. She teaches people how to work with their biology, brain and attachment systems, so they are no longer fighting the very parts of them that will help them thrive. And then she gives grounded, embodied tools to step into sensitive power and thriving from the inside out.

She is a qualified Trauma Therapist (Somatic Experiencing Practitioner), Lead Faculty and Coach with the Essence School, Remedial and Pregnancy masseuse, Reiki practitioner, spiritual seeker, artist, mother and poet.

If you have questions about this training, please email her on this email address.